Saturday, 8 November 2008

Gingerbread is Wise, this time around.

"I can help you", said the cunning silver Fox "If you jump on my tail, I'll carry you across".
...But, the Gingerbread man replied, "No thanks Mr Fox. I'm hitching a ride with this lovely duck...Bye!"
(After last time, the Gingerbread was wise to Fox's bad behaviour.)
Created for the topic 'Wise', on Illustration Friday.


Anonymous said...

Hihihihi...well, I'm glad he got away! If he just doesn't fall in the river and disolve, he should be OK.

ArtSparker said...

Well, that's a horrific scene avoided - I like that pink duckboat, wish I had one. The composition is cool with the fox being somewhat threatening.

eyecontact said...

so child like (as in children's illos) and appealing!

elegraph said...

That gingy man still has all his limbs, buttons, and eyes, so I'd say he's wise indeed!

I like your artwork, especially the stitched ones - and I see you have an affinity for Lear's "The Owl and the Pussycat" as I do!


Anonymous said...

i'm glad the gingerbread man has gotten wiser :-)